Thursday, July 31, 2008

Think of the Children

I never knew how easy American kids have it. I know that as a nation we are incredibly fortunate, we have more than we need, etc. etc. etc. But, honestly...our kids have it easy! I remember whining about swim team practice (well, 6:45 was way too early) and doing the occasional yard work, but for the most part life was pretty easy as a kid. To prove it, the following list:

Things I Never Had To Do That Almost Every Japanese Kid Does Every Day (of Summer Vacation):

1. wake up at 6:30 am, walk to the nearest park, and stretch with the other neighborhood kids, some parents, and many old people while listening to the radio

2. upon finishing, clean aforementioned park

3. after cleaning, study for tests (that will take place before summer vacation ends)

4. spend 3 or 4 hours at club sports practice in the middle of the day!! (it's seriously hot here)

5. go to extra classes for additional English practice, or help with other subjects

6. do enough homework that you need to work on it every single day of vacation

I never realized how easy I had it.

(Mom & Dad, if Gabe needs help realizing, feel free to let him read this.)

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