Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Meant To Post This A While Ago... proves that both the Japanese and my dad can sleep absolutely anywhere.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So my time in Japan is winding down really, really quickly. I've moved out of my apartment and into a hotel for the last week, and I'm training my replacement teacher - very surreal, all of it. To answer the many questions I'm getting about where I'm going and when I'll be home, here it is, my schedule for the next few months:

November 24th - fly to Chaing Mai, Thailand
ride some elephants and hang out on the beach

December 6th - fly from Phuket, Thailand, to Singapore
do anything other than spit or litter

December 10th - Singapore to Perth, Australia
meet all of Natalie's friends from high school, perhaps throw another shrimp on the barbie?

December 23rd - Perth to Brisbane, Australia
meet Natalie's family, go to the beach for Christmas

January/February (undetermined end point) - Daintree Rainforest, Australia
stay with Natalie's dad, get a backpacker's job picking fruit or something
eat bananas all day and sit on the beach at night

At some point, yes, I will make my way home. Natalie will go back to school at the end of February, at which point I will most likely go see Sydney and fly home from there - more updates on that will come. At the moment, though, I have a hotel breakfast to eat and a lot of goodbye cards to write : (

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bouncy Parks Are For Kids...And Foreigners

This might not look like much, but this park may be the happiest place in Japan. It's like a the combination of a Moon Bounce and a trampoline - smiles guaranteed all around.