Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Aloha, oy.
Surprise! ( some) I'm in Hawaii!
As it works out, the cheapest route home meant a stop in Honolulu, so I decided to extend my stay to about 9 days.
I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone this, but Hawaii is amazing. America, we're lucky that this is one of our states. I'm staying in Honolulu with a friend of a friend, and it's worked out so well. He's super laid back and friendly, he's let me use his extra car for the week so I can check out the island - Oahu, by the way - and he and his roommate have taken me out, introduced me to their friends, had's been pretty great. Unfortunately, my camera decided to crap out literally 2 days after the warranty expired (which was in Japanese anyway, so that may have posed some problems), but I'm including some stock photos of things I'm seeing around here to give you some ideas of where I am - once I get my disposable cameras put on CD I'll provide some originals.
View of Honolulu and Waikiki Beach from Diamond Head.
As it works out, the cheapest route home meant a stop in Honolulu, so I decided to extend my stay to about 9 days.
I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone this, but Hawaii is amazing. America, we're lucky that this is one of our states. I'm staying in Honolulu with a friend of a friend, and it's worked out so well. He's super laid back and friendly, he's let me use his extra car for the week so I can check out the island - Oahu, by the way - and he and his roommate have taken me out, introduced me to their friends, had's been pretty great. Unfortunately, my camera decided to crap out literally 2 days after the warranty expired (which was in Japanese anyway, so that may have posed some problems), but I'm including some stock photos of things I'm seeing around here to give you some ideas of where I am - once I get my disposable cameras put on CD I'll provide some originals.

I was able to go surfing on the North Shore - that's right, where *gasp* Jack Johnson lives. I took a lesson from a family run school where the owner had not only also lived in Japan but had just gotten back from a trip to New Hope, PA, my very own birthplace. Small world, huh. Surfing was incredible, I loved it and hopefully will get to go at least once more before I leave.
Hawaii has been a perfect last stop on my way home. Not only is it beautiful, it's got a ton to do but is also relaxed enough to give you time to enjoy everything. It's been a good place to relax and clear my head a bit. Also, having been a little homesick for a while, and also having missed Japan for the past two months, it is the PERFECT place to be. It literally has everything I missed from home and most things I miss from Japan (onigiri! green tea and every other drink ever imaginable in convenience stores! Japanese people being cute everywhere!). That said, I'm announcing my arrival home: *dum da da dum* Thursday! I can't wait to see everyone and pile on the sweaters and show everyone up with my sweet tan! Email me phone numbers, please, so I can get in touch asap!
Hawaii has been a perfect last stop on my way home. Not only is it beautiful, it's got a ton to do but is also relaxed enough to give you time to enjoy everything. It's been a good place to relax and clear my head a bit. Also, having been a little homesick for a while, and also having missed Japan for the past two months, it is the PERFECT place to be. It literally has everything I missed from home and most things I miss from Japan (onigiri! green tea and every other drink ever imaginable in convenience stores! Japanese people being cute everywhere!). That said, I'm announcing my arrival home: *dum da da dum* Thursday! I can't wait to see everyone and pile on the sweaters and show everyone up with my sweet tan! Email me phone numbers, please, so I can get in touch asap!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thanks, Band

After a lot of job hunting, puzzle-doing and movie watching, come Thursday night Nat, Lindzy and I geared up for a night out in the big city of Brisbane. After a short while we ended up at a not-so-special bar in the Valley, where we happened to spot one of the members of Crystal Castles, a band from Lindzy's cold home country of Canada. We had known they'd be in Brisbane, but ticket prices were apparently much more than they'd be at home (much like everything else in this country) and we definitely couldn't afford it.
Me: "Lindz, that's the guy from Crystal Castles."
Lindzy: "Oh you think if we ask they'd let us come to their show?"
...So we take a moment to gather our confidence and look as good/poor as possible, then stroll over. I believe our oh-so-subtle begging went something like this:
Lindzy: "Hey, so are you guys from Crystal Castles?"
Ethan: "Yeah."
Lindzy: "So we really want to come to your show but we're traveling and can't afford the $50...are you able to put people on the guest list?"
Ethan: "Yeah."
After that intro, we actually talked to them (being Ethan, the DJ/other instrument guy/producer and Chris, the drummer) for quite a while. They were really nice - and Ethan was wearing both a hoodie and a jacket, as though he was still in Toronto and not in a warm Australian summer - aaaand they actually did put us on the guest list! So the next night we got to go see a sweet show for free! If you're into glitchy nintendo electro, check them out.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Can't You Hear, Can't You Hear That Thunder?
I have been in Australia for almost two months now, ah! I apologize for the lack of posting, it certainly doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about it - Nat and I were staying in the Daintree Rainforest of the Far North for three weeks, and once you step inside, internet (along with electricity, dry clothing and time management) becomes an elusive beast. But more on that later.
Don't be fooled by certain places marked on here as cities - i.e. Townsville, Mackay, Freemantle, etc...they are marked to be the same size as Sydney and other famous places, but in reality they are the size of Allentown or smaller.
I started in Perth, which I heard from almost everyone I met there is the most isolated capital city in the world as well as the second windiest. It was definitely very windy. The first part of the statement, though, left me with the misconception that Perth is the capital of Australia. It is not, it is a mere state capital. And for the second half of our geography lesson, Canberra is the capital of Australia. The beaches in Perth are beautiful (warning: I'm about to say that about almost everywhere I've been so far). The people in Perth really like to dress up like they were going to a day at the races when they go out on a Saturday night, and they like to drink champagne like it isn't only for special occasions.
Sydney for New Year was phenomenal. We stayed with our friends Tom and Rich who we had met in Thailand. In the time we had been apart they'd moved to Sydney, found a house with three other cool people, and were working on getting jobs. They lived about a 5 minute walk
from Bondi beach (one of Australia's most famous beaches & home of BONDI RESCUE (=Baywatch Australia)), which was incredible. On New Years Eve a big group of us went to the Botanical Gardens, which are right on Sydney harbor (views of the Opera House & Harbor Bridge). It's the main touristy firework viewing location in Sydney, so we waited 4.5 hours in line to get in - and we had gotten there late, half our group was there almost 2 hours before we met them. At first it seemed daunting, but time went pretty quickly. Once inside, the view of the fireworks was definitely worth it. They don't just do one firework display, they do about eight from all different locations throughout the city. There were some from the top of the br
idge, some from the Opera House, several from various building tops...everywhere you looked there were fireworks to be seen. Pretty incredible. The only thing missing, however, was the countdown. We were all (by we I mean thousands of peoople) standing, ready, but things just started going off. No warning, no 5-4-3, just ... HAPPY NEW YEAR! Little strange, but all in all awesome.
After Sydney it was a flight to Cairns to meet Nat's dad and a two hour drive up to the Cape Tribulation area, where he lives. This and the three weeks following was one of the most incredible times I've yet had, so at nothing else, I'm going to save it's description for a separate post, soon to come.
Natalie and I are now in Brisbane where we are completed by Lindzy (yay!). Lindz and I are busy job hunting (boo!) and doing other really cool things like blogging and catching up on movies we've missed in the last year and a half.
Australia has less than 10 cities.
Australia has less than 10 cities.
That's right, almost the size of the continental U.S. and under 10 cities. Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra....the list really stops there as far as notable cities goes.
For help with these (and help with placing where I am in the world), a map for you!
For help with these (and help with placing where I am in the world), a map for you!

I started in Perth, which I heard from almost everyone I met there is the most isolated capital city in the world as well as the second windiest. It was definitely very windy. The first part of the statement, though, left me with the misconception that Perth is the capital of Australia. It is not, it is a mere state capital. And for the second half of our geography lesson, Canberra is the capital of Australia. The beaches in Perth are beautiful (warning: I'm about to say that about almost everywhere I've been so far). The people in Perth really like to dress up like they were going to a day at the races when they go out on a Saturday night, and they like to drink champagne like it isn't only for special occasions.
Sydney for New Year was phenomenal. We stayed with our friends Tom and Rich who we had met in Thailand. In the time we had been apart they'd moved to Sydney, found a house with three other cool people, and were working on getting jobs. They lived about a 5 minute walk

After Sydney it was a flight to Cairns to meet Nat's dad and a two hour drive up to the Cape Tribulation area, where he lives. This and the three weeks following was one of the most incredible times I've yet had, so at nothing else, I'm going to save it's description for a separate post, soon to come.
Natalie and I are now in Brisbane where we are completed by Lindzy (yay!). Lindz and I are busy job hunting (boo!) and doing other really cool things like blogging and catching up on movies we've missed in the last year and a half.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Singawho? Singawhat?
Singapore was, honestly, disappointing. The name conjures up images of an exotic, tropic place teeming with people and energy brought together by the seas to do business of all kinds, but what it actually looks like is one big shopping mall surrounded by government funded high rises. Like if Dave & Buster decided to plan a city.
Singapore does not look like this.
Nor does it look like this.

I think the highlight of our trip was the first family we couch surfed with. They had just moved there from the Philippines because of Jeff's (the dad's) job. They were young, really nice, and
had the most amazing 2 year old daughter. She spoke Tagalog, a Filipino language, and two weeks before we got there had just started learning English. You would think she had been speaking it all her life - she could almost have a full conversation with us in English. She was constantly performing, singing, dancing, anything for attention. And that girl had moves. Her parent's would occasionally start singing "Low," and she would just start breaking it down. I think by the time she's 4 she will be able to rival Beyonce, no joke.
With no extra money for shopping or restaurants, we were basically excluded from Singapore's
two main recommended activities (though we managed to scrounge funds for some excellent curry in Little India...twice). We did go to the Kranji War Memorial, an old prison that served as a POW camp during WWII, which was very interesting. We also went to the Singapore Zoo, the other recommended tourist activity (it was a very good zoo, as zoos go). And in our spare time, we took photos of the various fines strictly imposed by the Singapore government.
*Note: a durian (above) very smelly fruit...highly illegal.
With no extra money for shopping or restaurants, we were basically excluded from Singapore's
*Note: a durian (above) very smelly fruit...highly illegal.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thai Tattoos for Traveling Tourists
After Bangkok (and a less-than-wonderful overnight stay on the island of Ko Phangan, which is very boring if it isn't a full moon) we headed to Khao Lak, a small area north of Phuket, where our friend Daniel, who used to teach in Toyama, is living and teaching English. The area was beautiful, right on the coast, and very relaxed and friendly. It was a very welcome change after the bustle of Bangkok. We basically spent 4 days relaxing, going to the beach, eating seafood, listening to live music, and getting Thai massages (rough life, I know).
On the second day we decided to rent motos. Daniel has one, but cramming three people onto it each time we wanted to go somewhere was getting a little old, so Nat and I decided to each get our own. I had driven my own before in Hungary, when Ethan and I went from Berlin. It had been an experience I might describe as...harrowing. I spent most of the time trying to keep up with him as he zigged and zagged through crazy Budapest traffic, and ended up falling off it twice, leading to a bruised and bloodied left side of my body and some very dirty clothes. (Note, Ethan is not a crazy driver, we just fall on opposite sides of the Conservative Moto Driver Line.)
I thought this time would be different. Wrong. We managed to drive about 20 minutes north on a super busy road, and the whole time I was well behind Nat and Daniel thinking "one weird bump and I'm dead, one hand slips and I'm dead, oh God there are so many cars around me." I tried to push those thoughts aside, and once we got onto smaller roads I started to feel more comfortable. We arrived at our destination, a beautiful beach, and hung out swimming and eating papaya salad (spicy! spicy! spicy!). On our way out, Nat and Daniel were once again way ahead of me within the first 3 minutes, and thus didn't notice when I turned a corner and totally wiped out in the middle of the road. A man stopped to help me, though he mostly seemed angry, maybe he felt obliged to stop but didn't actually want to. So when I finally caught up with the other two I looked much worse for wear - I was bleeding from my leg and forearm and my whole right side was covered in dust.
Oh well, what do we do when we fall off the horse?
We get back on.
("I'm not a gymnast, Maury.")
So I pulled myself together, hopped back on and headed back out towards the busy busy road, trying to silence the voices in my head which had now moved past reasonable worry to panicky terror. Slowly but surely, I made it back into town. We went past Daniel's house and further on to a tattoo parlor, as Natalie was thinking of getting a tattoo and wanted to do some research. I stopped, prepared to make the right turn across traffic into the parking lot (they drive on the left in Thailand, too, who knew), and then went....but managed to wipe out once more as soon as I entered the parking lot. Awesome.
This time it was actually worse, I think, because so many people were watching. All the store owners ran out of their shops to help me up, each one acting concerned for me while at the same time laughing at what a bad driver I am ("stupid foreigner can't ride a moto" - I swear I could read their minds and that's what they were saying). The owner of the tattoo parlor and his girlfriend rushed me into their bathroom, washed me up and covered my wounds in antiseptic.
So there I had it, my "Thai tattoo" (arm wound from moto). At that moment, as I was being attended to in the back of a tattoo shop in the middle of Thailand, I made a pact with myself which I plan to adhere to:
Never again will I attempt to drive a moto.
Ride on the back, okay. But drive, never.
Ride on the back, okay. But drive, never.
We ended up going back to the tattoo parlor the next day so Nat could get her tattoo. She had been planning it for months, and essentially designed it herself - frangipani (or plumeria, as we call the flower) on her foot. It is a pretty big tattoo and thus took a few hours, and so I spent the day hanging out in the shop, buying things at the convenience store for Nat (like gummi bears for her to chew on when the pain was too bad), reading, and speaking with a German tourist who came in to hang out and talk about graffiti art with Top, the tattoo guy. After Nat was finished, Top's girlfriend Nim brought out a delicious salad and Top brought out some whiskey (and taught us how to tell if the bottles are faked - yes, they even fake alcohol in Thailand), Daniel showed up, and we all sat around talking, eating, drinking, and listening to Top and his friend play the guitar. They gave us homemade honey for Natalie's cough, and two kinds of leaves they had picked, one to make you sleepy, and one they called "amphetamine leaf" to wake you up (we left that one alone). It was probably the best tattoo experience Nat (and I, the bystander) could have asked for.
Top Demonstrates Fun with Crickets
Post Tattoo Sing-a-Long
(my second favorite Thai song, after Wood's - miss you Wood!)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
One Night (or two) In Bangkok
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